Investing in Skills.
Committed to deploying a highly skilled team of billers and coders on your revenue cycle
Rigorous Revenue Cycle Training for Our People
Training and development are the most crucial component of our ability to deliver high-quality services consistently. We deploy the best of technology, training, processes, and people to ensure our associates exceed our clients’ expectations. Before one of our team members starts work at our offshore delivery center, we make sure that they possess the needed skills and are of a certain level of proficiency through completing our modular sessions.
Comprehensive Medical Billing Training Program

Healthcare 101 Training
This training is an in-depth introduction to healthcare processing and healthcare industry trends, insurance types and plan specifics, claims processing life cycle, and terminology.

Client-specific Process Training
Associates are trained for their specific roles based on the information garnered during the knowledge transfer phase. Assessments are conducted throughout the training session to determine an individual’s training needs related to their specific job roles.

Audits and Skill Assessments
Audits. Based on the tenure of the associate, a certain minimum sample of the associate’s work is audited. Skills Assessments are conducted on a scheduled basis to measure and certify performance and skill set. Weekly testing on client-specific business rules and processes are administered to applicable associates.

On-the-job Training Program
Experienced team leaders and agents serve as mentors to the associates during on-the-job training and guide them to final certification. Based on scores and feedback from the mentors, they are inducted into the regular production and quality control cycle. Associates’ work is checked, and they are monitored until they consistently achieve stringent quality norms.
Comprehensive Medical Billing Training Program
We encourage our coders to obtain accreditation from either the American Association of Professional Coders (AAPC) or the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA). We provide training and testing for certification programs, and many of our coders are certified by AAPC or AHIMA.