Shifting the Focus from Denial Management to Denial Prevention
The adage, “Prevention is better than cure”, does apply to Claim Denials as well. An effective denial prevention program requires an iterative process that includes identification of root cause, finding solutions to prevent the issue from recurring in the future, the institutionalization of these procedures through updates to standard operating procedures, and training the staff on these practices.

Denial Management Infographic
Get the statistics for claim denials and strategies for preventing them in this Denial Management infographic from Medical Billing Wholesalers.

Case Study: Improved Revenue Cycle Workflow and reporting functionality accelerates Cash Flow
Most revenue cycle systems have a wealth of unutilized functionality. Revenue cycle professionals need to evaluate workflow and reporting functionality on the revenue cycle system to not only ease their workload but also improve revenue cycle outcomes. Gain insights on using reporting functionality and improving revenue cycle workflow in this case study.
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